The Royal Order of The Conch?

2025 Inductions:

Each Saturday| Key West Historic Firehouse | 1024 Grinnell St. | High Noon - 1:00 p.m. | with Captain James Collie (a Native Conch)

What’s the deal with the Royal Order of The Conch?

Short Answer: We dump a shot of rum (or a non-alcoholic beverage) down your throat from a Conch shell and induct you as a member.

Long Answer: In 1996, David Sloan was drinking rum from the bottle on a Key West porch with Gregory Hummel. They didn’t have any glasses, but David noticed a queen Conch shell next to the door hiding a spare house key. Nobody locked their doors back then, so the guys decided to put the shell to better use.

David wondered if it was possible to drink rum from it. It turned out it was, and with a nice rum buzz going, Sloan presented the liquor-filled vessel to his friend, performed a brief ceremony, and initiated Greg as the first member of the Royal Order of the Conch.

For years, it remained a secret society, but that was more a side effect of drinking rum than an attempt to appear exclusive.

In time, the ceremonial Conch shell appeared at birthday parties, weddings, and other celebratory events.

While drinking from a Conch shell sounds strange initially, everyone who tries it creates a unique memory and gains an unspoken understanding of the Florida Key that escapes words.

Join us, and you’ll see what we mean.

Native Conch, Captain James Collie, initiates new members most Saturdays at high noon at the Historic Key West Firehouse.

Join the Royal Order of The Conch

How do I join? Show up at an induction ceremony or buy a Conch shell and some booze and induct yourself.

What’s required of members? Nothing

How much does it cost?

  • Do It Yourself: $50-$100 | Queen Conch shells sell for about $25 at Mac’s Sea Garden in Key West. Key West’s First Legal Rum Distillery has the best locally made rum selection and is a short walk from Mac’s.

  • Private Induction in Key West: $500 | One of our members will come to you and induct as many people as you want. Includes a complimentary bottle of Key West Legal Rum. You keep the Conch shell.

  • Private Induction outside of Key West: $10,000+ | David and Heather-May Sloan will pour the beverage of your choice down the throats of your family, friends, or other willing participants just about anywhere in the world.

“Part of a quintessential Florida day.” - Cathy Salustri | Florida Spectacular

Surprise your friends with a Key West Bucket List adventure inside one of Key West’s hidden gem locations just a few blocks off of Duval Street in Old Town.

Book covers for Florida Spectacular and The New Key West Bucket List which both feature drinking from a conch shell as an offbeat Key West adventure

Featured in The New Key West Bucket List - 100 Offbeat Adventures in the Southernmost City and Florida Spectacular - Extraordinary Places and Exceptional Lives

What’s Up, Dog? Initiate your pooch. The Alex Vega Key West Firehouse Museum is pet-friendly.

No tattoos are required for membership, but you might love the experience so much that you commemorate it like Mike Anthony did. Great work, Mike!

Drink from a Conch shell and get a certificate! Life doesn’t get better than this.

Michelle Rae activated her Wonder Twin Powers with Mike for another stunning R.O.O.T.C tattoo.